Dynamic ToDo Lists

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Background: Many people use many tools to manange their daily ToDo lists. Some of them use Evernote (EN). I'm one of them and have been asked to document my methodology together with some relating hints.

Hint: Before implementing your ToDo lists, please read chapter tags-to-classify-notes.htm


  • Create a new note for every ToDo item
  • Tag the notes with information that describes the "Done" state
  • Use Saved Searches to dynamically show current ToDo list in Top List format
  • Edit items (notes) along with your doings and change "Done" state tags accordingly
  • Tune up your ToDo lists with other special tags

Create a new note for every ToDo item

The easiest way to create a new note is type Ctrl-N, give your note a meaningful Title and describe your ToDos in the text area.

Tag the notes with information that describes the "Done" state

Use Saved Searches to dynamically show current ToDo list in Top List format

Edit items (notes) along with your doings and change "Done" state tags accordingly

Tune up your ToDo lists with other special tags